About The Shop

Welcome to our revolutionary online clothing store, where fashion meets affordability through the power of auctions. We’re on a mission to transform the local landscape by offering a unique shopping experience. Our platform introduces an innovative auction system that allows customers to bid on their desired clothing items, paying only what they can afford. By enabling users to set their own prices, we’re reshaping the landscape of online shopping, making it more accessible and budget-friendly for everyone. Say goodbye to fixed prices and hello to the thrill of bidding for your favourite styles while staying in budget.

At our online store, we’re redefining the way you shop by putting the control in your hands. By embracing the auction model, we empower our customers to determine the value of the items they desire, ensuring a fair and affordable shopping experience. Our goal is to foster a community where individuals can explore a wide range of fashion brands while bidding within their means. Join us in revolutionizing T&T’s marketplace by embracing this dynamic approach to online shopping, where affordability and style converge in an exciting auction format.

Meet The Team

Gabriel “GQ”

Shop Product Curator

Someone called him “GQ” over 10 years ago and now he thinks he can put together your wardrobe. It has never crossed his mind to give up the nickname.


Head of Customer Satisfaction

Turns complaints to compliments – with a humor as spicy as a doubles vendor’s pepper sauce and a warmth as comforting as a bake and shark on Maracas.


Chief Frustration Officer

I can’t stand to see replies to comments, “DM for price!”. I promise to make your online experience with us stress-free – like my relationships!

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